Thursday, May 31, 2012

TLLP Progress - May 2012

Our Project: The use of Apple iPads and iPod Touches to enhance the learning of Autistic students.

Our TLLP team met the other day to focus in on our project. At the TLLP training, I had time to speak with and listen to the Ministry/OTF presenters and I came back with useful information for the team.

We met to talk about choosing 2-3 students to be the focus of our project. We decided on three students: a girl who will be in grade 2, a boy who will be in grade 3, and a boy who will be in grade 5. Two of the three students have difficulty communicating, the third is relatively more capable of communicating his thoughts/needs.

During the month of June, these students will be invited to visit my classroom where certain members of my class ccommunity will sit with them and explore either the iPad or the iPod Touch. This is very means that we are dipping into the next phase of our plan for the project.

I look forward to seeing and hearing how my students welcome our visitors and I am excited to see how our visitors react and deal with our touch screen devices.

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